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The Fusion Scan is a personality screening of the candidate with an extra dimension on someone’s energetic drivers.  We combine indepth Interviewing with the use of a Behavioral Scan.

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When Talents and Passion are fully brought to light within the right context, it unlocks someone’s full potential and fulfilment.  We assess these talents and how they match the context and challenges in the position throughout the process. We re-enforce this screening by integrating a tool to reveal this magic Talent cocktail so he/she can tap into their full potential within the right context and challenge.

Integrated in our




How you lead self and others is based on the way you look at the world.  Do you see opportunities or threats?  How does ego drive your thoughts, emotions and actions?

We assess a candidates Leadership thoughout the process and integrate a unique tool to reveal a persons’ leadership mindset and thereby the hidden drivers of how someone really leads. 

Integrated in our




© copyright TaPasCity

Integrated tool: 2min and 4min scan - TaPasCity

The 2min and 4min scan is a Behavioral Scan that integrates Energetic aspects and gives insights in a candidate's personality profile

The scan also predicts the MBTI / Insights profile and what drives or drains someone's energy and thus performance.

It covers aspects such as:

  • Activities and tasks

  • Type of interactions and behavior

  • The adequate work-environment and culture

  • Personal Leadership style

This Scan can also integrates the drivers and reveals what contextual aspects unlock or block access to someone’s full talents and potential.

This 2 and 4 min scan is developed by  TaPasCity      


Integrated tool: TaPas (TAlent PASsion) - TaPasCity 

When Talents and Passion are fully brought to light within the right context, it unlocks someone’s full potential and fulfilment.  In our Fusion Talent Screening, we integrate a tool to reveal this magic Talent cocktail so he/she can tap into their full potential within the right context and challenge.

This unique talent assessment tool called TAPAS for Professionals® was developed by TaPasCity.  It is a science-based tool developed under the supervision of VUB and University of Antwerp and internationally recognized.  

It is a unique tool to get insight in someone’s business talents such as  Innovation, Strategy, Operational and Inter-relational and what competences he/she can tap into to amplify success when putting talents in practice.

As a major eye-opener you get a unique insight in what contextual drivers unlock or block access to someone’s full talents and potential. 

This screening tool is unique and of great value to predict future proof hiring success.


© copyright TaPasCity


Integrated tool: ELI The Energy Leadership Index assessment - iPEC

The Energy Leadership™ Index (ELI) assessment is a worldwide known, research-backed assessment tool.

As the first certified ELI Transformational Leadership coach in Belgium, Marjan uses this unique Leadership Mindset tool to reveal a candidates or leaders predominant leadership mindset level and natural leadership style in both normal and stress conditions. You get answers on questions like:

  • In what way does someone truly lead himself and others by servant leadership, co-creation and ‘we-thinking’?

  • How natural comes ‘trust and empowerment’ in the way he/she leads?

  • How present is the ‘learning’- or ‘agile’ mindset?

  • How ego-driven are someone’s thoughts, emotions and actions?

  • How does stress impact the way someone leads?

  • In what context, culture does someone more easily thrive?



Next to the very valuable leadership insights, the eye-opening debrief in combination with coaching unlocks greatness in leaders and helps them lead by example, purpose, and passion.

The Energy Leadership™ Index (ELI) assessment -  iPEC.



Brussel - Mechelen - Belgium  |  Tel: 0470/606751


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